Friday, August 31, 2012

11 Questions To Kickstart Your Dream

What's your dream? Want to give your vision a jumpstart? Write down your goals and use these questions to speed up delivery of your dream.

1. What's your highest priority this lifetime?

What's most important for you to experience, explore or embrace this time around? Until you answer this question, your life goals will be off purpose. Unaligned with your inner passion, your intentions will lack the power to attract the people and situations necessary to become a reality.

Get clued into your true joy. What activities turned you on as a child? What are your hobbies now? When your goals are aligned with your soul purpose, synchronicity kicks in to guide you to your target. When you intuit and own your unique essence and calling, assistance will flow to you from every earthly and heavenly source.

2. Is this your dream, or someone else's?

Are your goals your own choice, or what others think you should strive for? Do you want to look back in your old age and wish you had followed your passion? Will you regret having "played it safe?"

Is it selfish to go after your own dream? What joy can you give to others if you haven't given it to yourself first?

You have a divine right to listen to your heart. You have a social obligation to follow your dream. Only then can you fulfill your destiny and make the earthly contribution you were born to make.

3. Do you really, really want this dream?

Do you bound out of bed every morning to pursue your vision? Or is it a lukewarm dream you chase because it sounds meaningful? Only the Real McCoy will generate enough energy to manifest itself in the world.

4. Are you settling for less than?

Are you resigned to accepting less than your full share of love, health and success this lifetime? Have you compromised and sacrificed your dream to death?

Anything short of living your true passions will never make you happy. Do you want to arrive at the Pearly Gates with the regret of not marrying that one captivating person, starting that fun business, or seeing that exotic part of the world you always wanted to visit?

5. Is your dream actually just a means to some other dream?

Is your goal the ultimate end in itself, or merely a limited means to that end? Isn't it really the new car itself you want, rather than the money-the means-to buy the new car? More to the core, isn't it really a renewed sense of self-worth you desire, rather than the new car or house to impress the family and neighbors? And isn't it really happiness you want, rather than the picture-perfect mate, job or body?

Focus on the experience you want to create, not the physical form that may-or may not-bring you that experience.

6. What will you feel like when you reach your dream?

Personal passion fuels a vision. Dive into the thrill and exhilaration of the feeling of living your dream. Every moment you can, drink in the joy of having your goal.

The Hawaiian Kahuna say, "Where your creative attention flows, so flows your life." Is your daily attention feeding your dream? As the TV public service announcement reminds us, "It's midnight. Do you know where your children are?" Hey, in your life, it's high noon! Do you know where your creative excitement is flowing?

It's high time you manifested your aspirations. Dynamic, satisfying creations are nurtured with love and care as a flower in a garden.

7. How will you benefit from getting your dream?

Get specific about the benefits you'll receive from achieving your vision. Write down these pluses so they will sink in as motivators. What exactly would happen if you made a lot of money doing something you love? How would you approach your life differently if you allowed people to love and support you? What would you do with more vitality and health?

8. What steps can you take today toward your dream?

Don't defer your dream. Set up supports and systems around you to instantly translate your intentions into action. Jump on every opportunity that is in line with your purpose and vision.

Keep the momentum going. No matter how hectic life gets, pledge to take at least one action a day. Even the smallest actions-jotting down a new idea, reading a single page, or making one phone call-can start to add up.

Are there smaller projects that lead to your larger dream that can give you pleasure in the meantime? If the dream is to run a marathon, train for a local fun-run first. And find a way to measure your progress. Track those little wins-by writing in a journal or telling a friend.

9. Are you telling yourself: "I can't have my dream?"

Most people don't believe they can live their dream. Either their belief system has them believing they can't make a living doing what they love, or they feel they don't deserve their dream. To avoid the pain of feeling they can't have their dream, people often keep their dream so buried they can't remember they ever had a dream.

Everyone has a dream! And everyone is destined to fulfill that purpose. Why wait?

10. Are you afraid of getting your dream?

Statistically, more heart attacks occur when "good" things happen, than when "bad" things happen! Getting your dream is life-threatening! Of course, realizing your dream is only threatening to your old experience of yourself and your life-you know, the one that's boring-or paining-you to death!

Change is scary. Find a way to move the energy of fear. The only way to avoid feeling fear is to avoid living altogether!

11. Do you really need to accomplish your dream?

Do you really need to achieve your goals to be happy? Enter the "hootless state"-where you no longer give a hoot if the exact "picture" of your dream comes true. Without the interference of the ego's push, pressure and micro managing, you have a much better chance of being in the right vibration-space-to attract real happiness. When you relax your grip on the exact way your future "has" to unfold, you give the Universe more flexibility in how it can fulfill your wishes.

And, on a higher plane, what if our true task here on Earth is simply to be who we already are in our essential nature-with or without manifesting our specific goals? What if the essence of who we are is enough?

Anginetta Walker 
Showing people all over the world How to make a little extra while putting a healthier coffee in their cup.
314-556-4658 or Click Here!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Changing Habits to Improve your Personal Life

Habits, oh those nasty habits. Habits are developed from training, influences, observation, and practice. We develop many habits throughout our life, which some are good and others are bad. Good habits we can keep, but if one wants to improve their life the bad habits has to take a hike. Getting rid of bad habits however is not easy, especially if an addiction is involved. For this reason, we can take a few steps to learning how you can change your habits.

Making excuses:
People wander through life making excuses. Anytime a person sees something complicated, they will often make excuses why they cannot deal with the problem. “This is just the way I am.” This is a common problem in the world, which we’ve all heard billions of times. If you are out to improve your life however, you need to say, “This is something that hinders me from achievement and I have the power to change it.

The first key to success is stop making excuses. Learn how to tell the truth. The truth is the only answer that leads you to improve your personal life. Once you learn to tell the truth, you will need to commit self to learning new behaviors and habits.

You can commit by choosing a new habit. Today I plan to drink more water. Some of us detest water, yet water is our way of living healthier. Instead of detesting something that will save your life, start saying, today I will drink more water. Even if you start out drinking a glass for the first couple of days, you are making changes.

Today I am going to stop judging others and myself. This is a common mistake people make in the world. They spend time judging others and themselves. This gets them nowhere but in a world of chaos. You make your bed, you must learn to sleep in it, which is why you should change your ways. Judging is only for our Master in the sky.

Do you think negative? I can’t change this. My life is full of nonsense, I can’t swing it anymore. Why me? Who put a tag on my head, saying persecute me. If you spend your life thinking negative and saying negative connotations, try changing your ways today. For instance, say, I can change something and I am going to. Instead of saying life is full of nonsense, accept it as truth yet move ahead to make your life better. Why me is a common question, which no one knows why, yet we have to accept it, make better decisions and move ahead. If you feel persecuted, ask you what you are doing that makes you feel this way. Do you have friends or family members weighing you down? If so, then kick their butt down the road and make new friends. No one in life is worth you suffering ongoing. You have the power to make changes, yet you do not have the power to change other people.

When you start to make changes to improve your life, start small. Instead of jumping the gun, take baby steps to success. Too many times people try to change overnight. This only leads to frustration.

When you are working to change your life and habits make sure you seek support and feedback. You do not have to walk the road to success alone. Feedback is found at your library, the Internet, at colleges, and so on. You will find support along these channels as well. Ask someone you trust to support you and give you feedback when needed also.

Anginetta Walker
Showing people all over the world How to make a little extra
while putting a healthier coffee in their cup
314-369-2995 or

Monday, August 27, 2012

Simplicity and duplicity in networking MLM - Home Based Business

Simple Duplication Creates Success

Ask some of the more successful MLM marketers and they will tell you that the key factor in networking MLM is simplicity.

Networking MLM is a very simple business. But keeping it simple does not mean that hard work is not involved. One of the common mistakes is that people try to make it complicated.

Even if a complex system achieved great results for you, others will find it difficult to copy. In networking MLM, personal success is not your greatest asset.

Your greatest asset is having a system that guarantees the success of everyone using it. The success of others, and your success, is dependant upon their ability to do the same things you do. Keep the least experienced of those in your network in mind when you set up a system of doing things for your organization to follow.

Everything you do must be simple enough so that everyone can quickly duplicate your efforts and achieve the same phenomenal results as you.

In MLM networking, you should not do things that require special skills, resources which are available only to you or to a limited number of people. Open up your business to a much larger pool of people who can become successful.
You need to build your network as quickly as possible. You can only meet with a few people each day and can personally close even fewer sales.

But using an MLM networking strategy, you can help others quickly learn to do the same simple things as you. When they do, they multiply your efforts.

Go for the same phenomenal results. This is quality duplication. Each person in your MLM networking, from top to bottom, must be able to exactly duplicate what you are doing and be able to teach others to do exactly the same thing. How large a sales team you can build depends on how well it is duplicated.

To ensure duplication, you need a system or processes that anybody and everybody can follow and teach. You cannot duplicate a person but you can duplicate a system.

In building a successful and long-term network, the MLM networking system must rule. Remember a system is only as good as it is duplicated.

The more complex a system, the less likely quality duplication will be achieved. To make sure you duplicate well, follow the System you are provided with religiously. There is no perfect system and your time is better spent perfecting your ability to duplicate it rather than perfecting a system.

Take this example. Ray Krocs, the founder of MacDonald’s cannot be duplicated but the MacDonald’s franchise system can be and is, to almost 100% perfection in 18,000 outlets worldwide.

Keeping it simple. To ensure you do things that your distributor can learn from and duplicate.

Is what I am doing easily duplicable?
Is it simple enough to be duplicated? Keep asking yourself this same questions and if you answer “yes” at least 75 % of the time, you are on the right track.

The most successful people in MLM networking business understand that everything must be kept simple in order to grow your business. Show others how simple it is to do what you do. They need to see you do it, and then believe it is simple enough for them to quickly duplicate to achieve the same good results in your MLM networking.

Anginetta Walker
  My Website
314-369-2995 (Subject: Home Business Info)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Come and take the home-based MLM business opportunity ride

Keeping It Simple

Is it possible to enter into a home-based MLM business opportunity over the Internet? Why not? The “yes” will answer you right in front of your face. Everything is possible with the participation of Internet especially in the modern business transactions.

But is home-based MLM business opportunity feasible and profitable? How can one succeed in this kind of business?

Are you ready to take a ride into the four-step procedures toward a successful home-based MLM business?

Here they are:

Step number 1. Recruit First

Why do you have to recruit first instead of doing other things?

Home-based MLM business opportunities are network marketing. It is composed of uplines and downlines.

Uplines are independent representatives who recruit another independent representative which they will use in the direct selling of goods and services to customers. Put simply, the recruiter is the upline. They get their commission on the sales of the other independent representatives.

On the other hand, the recruited independent representatives are the downlines. Home-based MLM business opportunity is a commission-based joint effort of uplines and downlines.

That is the main reason why both uplines and downlines must work together. Without the other, the whole business force will be paralyzed. It will not function.

What does this mean? Both parties share the same level of importance or significance to the group. Try to imagine a home-based MLM business opportunity without uplines and downlines? It does not seem right, isn’t it? You’re going to have these four (4) “NO”:

If you do not have recruited independent representatives or if they are not working effectively, there will be no income, no consumption of products and services, no one to market the products and services and no one will cater the customers.

Step number 2. Maintain the minimum sales required.

Home-based MLM business opportunities are so simple yet requires careful analysis of the sales income. You have to be a mathematician on this part to be able to tally your expenses and revenues.

Everyday, independent representatives market the products and services. So make it a habit to tally the income entering everyday and the expenses leaving every hour.

Step number 3. Monitor the consumption of products and services.

Check your inventory. There is no further explanation needed as it is stated clearly enough. This simply means maintaining the minimum stock of products available to avoid having an empty or void stock.

Step number 4. Train your downlines regularly.

In every field, learning is always a requirement. Even if you are a teacher, you still need to study and learn.

The thing here is to have a constant training schedule for the downlines. Study shows that a well-instructed downline creates a big difference than the downline with stagnant information in mind.

Constant study really pays at the end. Some of the recommended topics are proper customer treatment, how to communicate effectively, business ethics, and everything that is needed to help them as well as your home-based MLM business.

If you have already taken into account all the procedures needed to have a successful home-based MLM business opportunity, you are now ready towards establishing that career path.

The formulas are already in your hands. All that is needed now is to get it into effect. The only thing missing to complete the home-based MLM business opportunity is you.

For more info on ways to make money from home online and offline contact me below...

Anginetta Walker
314-369-2995 (Subject: Home Business Info)